Memories of the Process

So, after much anticipation, I released my first book, The Intergalactic Writer’s Guild, in both print and digital formats.

This process was a wild ride of emotions. There are so many little points, pieces of the process, both amazing and not so, that I will remember forever. I’d like to share a few of them with you:

– When I initially decided to pour my creative focus into writing two years ago

– Laying on the couch after work one night and picturing Jehu (he wasn’t Jehu then) in a spacesuit, climbing a mountain and hearing a voice speak inside his head… the seed that began the story.

– Plotting out each part of the story with notecards so I could picture how it would all look.

 – Writing the first draft and thinking it was pretty good only to realize how much was missing. There were so many details and nuances of character and story still in my head and not on the page.

– Editing, editing, and editing again

 – Paying someone to create a cover that represented the story but was also a great picture in its own right.

– Receiving the proof copy and realizing this is why we do proofs because there were STILL mistakes.

– Seeing the book page on Amazon, the place where I do my shopping. That was the moment it was final and real.

It has been an insane ride. I loved not only the easy (the writing.., definitely the writing) but the trying too. I learned and grew as a writer through them, and I can’t wait to do it all again with my next book.

So, again, if you’d like to check out my book, you can find it here.

If you don’t want to read it, hey, that’s cool too.

See you soon,

S.D. Sheldon

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